namhanman, a Korea-fan

Namhanman meets Korean popular culture. Namhanman is based in Budapest, Hungary. Contact: /// Célkeresztben a dél-koreai popkultúra (kiváltképp a filmművészet). Hírek és villámkritikák a Koreai Köztársaság (Daehan Minguk) mozgóképtermésének gyöngyszemeiről.

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A nap koreai szava

2011.03.12. 17:25 namhanman

100 Years of Korean Cartoon - Photo Report /// 100 éves a koreai képregény (manhwa)

/This article is part of the Korean Blogathon./Considering the fact that the first U.S. movie based on a Korean comic (Priest) will be released this May, I decided to re-publish my photo report covering a manhwa exhibition titled "100 Years of Korean Cartoon". It was held in summer 2009 at…

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Címkék: exkluzív exclusive

2011.03.07. 10:00 namhanman

Korean Film Archive - Photo Report /// Képes beszámoló a Koreai Filmarchívumról

Last autumn I visited the Korean Film Archive (KOFA) in Seoul and took some pictures which I've already shared with my Hungarian readers. Celebrating the first Korean Cinema Blogathon (props to Martin Cleary over at, here comes the bilingual edition of that exlusive photo…

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Címkék: exkluzív exclusive infobox

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